The Adventist Faculty of Theology of Collonges (France), has released the first issue of a new theological journal called “Servir. Revue adventiste de théologie”.
According to Gabriel Monet, new Dean of the Faculty of theology since last summer and initiator of this project, this journal fills a gap in the French-speaking Adventist space since the 1999 shutdown of the magazine which was published by the Department of the Ministerial Association of the Inter-European Division.
Admittedly, today there are various journals published or translated into French aimed at Church members, students… which contain articles related to the different fields of theology, but without intending to be scientific publications encouraging research and in-depth reflections. Moreover, Adventist French speaking theologians publish in non-French or non-Adventist theological journals. There is even a multilingual European Adventist theological journal, “Spes Christiana”, but not widespread in Francophonie because of the very low number of articles in French.
While French-speaking Adventism spread over the entire planet is significant, it seems legitimate to develop a tool that promotes research and allows those interested in theological issues to discover elements to be fed, encouraged and stimulated. Furthermore, this new journal will contribute to the synergy between the various French-speaking Adventist faculties (Cameroon, Haiti, Madagascar, France) and the Adventist theologians who depend on these universities but also those who practice in other contexts.
The Faculty of Collonges is pleased to be a driving force in this direction and hopes to offer all biblical scholars, historians, systematic and practical theologians good opportunities of writing and sharing their research and reflections. This will also constitute rich reading opportunities for theologians, students, pastors and leaders, and all those interested in theology. This journal is serious and scientific but not elitist or too technical to remain accessible to the greatest number, and thus contributes to bring a constructive view on Adventism, as well as a relevant Adventist look at the Bible, history, ecclesiology...
The title “Servir” (to serve) reflects a vision which engages. Creating a theological review just for the sake of intellectual reflection is of limited interest, while any theological research may have the vocation of being a contribution to the ministry (service) of the Church in general and of each one in particular. Serving is therefore a profoundly theo-logical commitment, that is to say, it is not part of an action-only approach, but of a dynamic that combines reflection and action on the one hand, and the conjugation of human and divine action on the other hand. The drawing that illustrates the cover of this journal is intended to convey the idea that any action (symbolized by the hand) is intended to be supported and inspired by God through his Holy Spirit (symbolized by the dove).
If any individual or institution would like to subscribe to this bi-annual publication, it is possible do so on the web page of the Adventist University of France (