From October 28 to 31, 2024, the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, hosted the “Conference on Biblical Human Sexuality,” organized by the Inter-European Division (EUD) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The event brought together church administrators at various levels, ministry directors, and representatives from a range of institutions within the EUD, all united in exploring a pastoral and biblically based approach to human sexuality.
The conference was structured into three themed days. The first day focused on biblical foundations for sexuality, offering a Scripture-based perspective on God’s ideal plan for sexuality, its significance within the spiritual relationship between humanity and God, and the consequences and implications of choices that fall short and far from this divine plan.
The second day’s focus shifted to the Church’s ministries, particularly pastoral, family, and educational. Discussions were held on strategies for supporting individuals and families in their emotional and spiritual journeys, as well as supporting the church institutions in facing the current realities and challenges. In both plenary and group discussion sessions, experts and leaders shared perspectives, experiences, and approaches aimed at strengthening the Church’s moral, ethical, and spiritual message and values across different age groups, family structures, and social contexts.
The third day centered on discussions about the interaction between the Church and society, especially regarding legal matters and cultural challenges. This day provided a forum for examining the Church’s role in the modern social environment, the challenges posed by differing social perspectives on human sexuality, and the polarization in public discourse on these topics. Discussions also addressed practical issues on engaging in dialogue and interaction with individuals and communities within sexual minorities, as well as the increasingly complex legal landscape and human rights issues, with the goal of fostering a Christian stance that is loving yet firm in upholding divine principles.
Representing the General Conference, Vice President Audrey Andersson attended and participated, contributing alongside experienced speakers specializing in church ministries. The Biblical Research Institute had a strong presence, providing academic biblical support to the discussions. In addition to lectures, the conference included personal testimonies illustrating the complexity and different dimensions—physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual—of human wholeness as it relates to sexuality. These testimonies addressed participants’ experiences with sexuality, their families, and communities, reflecting knowledge of or experiences in cases of gay and lesbian relationships, gender transitions, identity questioning, and their relationship with God and the Church, adding a unique, human, and real perspective to the event.
Dr. Richard Davidson, from the Andrews University Theological Seminary, led the spiritual devotion moments. In three presentations, Davidson explored sexuality in light of biblical passages, beginning with the Creation narrative, in Genesis, moving through Solomon’s Song of Songs, and culminating in the book of Hosea, a sublime type of God’s love and forgiveness illustrated through marriage. These reflections reinforced the Bible’s role as a spiritual and moral guide on sexuality.
Through this conference, the Inter-European Division sought to shed light on biblical foundations for sexuality, providing spiritual and practical support for contemporary challenges. The atmosphere reflected a commitment to love, to a welcoming spirit, and to the affirmation of divine principles, always seeking a genuine link between understanding the times, loving others, and fulfilling the Church’s mission.
EUD Conference on Biblical Human Sexuality
“We must all drive in the same direction, using both lanes of the road: the lane of the ability to love everyone unconditionally and the lane of upholding the divine principles on sexuality, unwaveringly,” stated EUD President Mario Brito.
Paulo Macedo, EUDNews.