This year's Hope Media Day for the Adventist Media Centre, Hope Media Europe, in Alsbach-Hähnlein, will take place on November 8 from 9:00 - 17:30 as a live online event. Invitees include not only media representatives in the German-speaking countries but also congregation and youth leaders and pastors.
9th Media Day
For the 9th time, the Adventist Media Centre is organising the Day for Media Professionals, this year. The topics are social media, print, web, journalism, PR, design, audio, and video in the space of the church. For the first time, the offer is also directed at interested pastors, church leaders, church technicians, and youth leaders.
Project presentations and exchange of experiences
Once again, creative minds will take part in the Hope Media Day competition by presenting their projects. According to René Walter, director of PR and Marketing at Hope Media Europe and coordinator of Media Day, this so-called Project Slam gives an insight into the digital work of church media people. Three further sessions will deal with the legal framework for live streaming, an exchange of experiences and best practices from individual church congregations on the topic of "live streaming in church services and events", and tips and impulses on how media-creative freelancers can get through times of a slump in client orders.
Keynote speaker Cami Oetmann
Cami Oetmann, from the USA, will be the keynote speaker. She is an evangelist and was the speaker for Adventist World Radio's 2020 global digital evangelism program, "Unlocking Bible Prophecies". Her concern: Evangelism on the Web.
Media Centre Hope Media Europe
Hope Media Europe is a media agency of the Protestant Free Church of the Seventh-day Adventists, a public corporation. It is supported by the association Stimme der Hoffnung e.V. Today, more than 21 million people of different languages and cultures, in over 213 countries worldwide, belong to more than 81,000 parishes. As one of the first Christian radio stations in Germany, the association Stimme der Hoffnung began its work in 1948. Today, Hope Media Europe can look back on more than 71 years of eventful history. In the meantime, it has grown into a modern media centre in Alsbach-Hähnlein, near Frankfurt.
Further information and registration:
Here, the original article.