As 2008 becomes history, we have much for which to be thankful. It has been a special privilege this past year to share with you the opportunity to play a small part in advancing the gospel. Thank you very much for your commitment and your motivation.
An unknown and uncertain 2009 stretches ahead. May the eternal assurances that the Lord has given us—unqualified love, unending patience, undeserved faithfulness, unearned grace, undisturbed peace, unlimited power and unfettered hope—fill you with courage, confidence and stability as each new day dawns. Remember His promise: “Behold, I make all things new,” Revelation 21:5. “Even so, come Lord Jesus,” Revelation 22:20.
As we approach the holiday season, I am taking this opportunity to extend to you and your loved ones best wishes for Christmas and a New Year full of blessings.
But whatever the cares and sorrows of life, whatever the mistakes and errors of the past, the "Happy New Year," when uttered as an expression of love or respect, falls pleasantly upon the ear. And yet, are not these kindly wishes often forgotten with the utterance? How often we fail to carry their import into the daily life, and thus to aid in their fulfillment. The New Year's greeting is frequently uttered by insincere lips, from hearts that would not forego one selfish gratification in order to make other's happy. Recipients of gifts and favors every new year, many accept these as their due. Receiving daily the bounties of Heaven, sunshine and shower, food and raiment, friends and home,-- all the unnoted yet priceless blessings of life,-- they forget the claims of the Giver; forget that God has left them a legacy in his poor; and that Christ, the Majesty of Heaven, identifies himself with suffering humanity in the person of his saints. (RH, January 3, 1882 par. 2) Sincerely yours in renewed commitment to Him,