Power of One: the emotions cannot be easily stored.

Bern, August 6, 2013 [CD-EUDNews]. Sabbath, August 3, the closing session of the Pan-European Adventist Youth Congress is going to start at 8.30 p.m. The emotion is high. Youth are entering in the main Hall of the Sport Center of Novi Sad, Serbia, after a

CD-EUDNews - C. Cozzi; Pictures C.Cozzi
AYC13 the stage 7

AYC13 the stage 7

Bern, August 5, 2013 [CD-EUDNews]. Sabbath, August 3, the closing session of the Pan-European Adventist Youth Congress is going to start at 8.30 p.m. The emotion is high. Youth are entering in the main Hall of the Sport Center of Novi Sad, Serbia, after an intensive day filled with messages, worship, drama, prayers and time for fellowship.
One of the goals youth shared at the beginning of the congress was to meet other youth and build a strong relationship. It sure was! “For me the congress was a very important opportunity to encounter new and old friends” said Paola Fresa coming from Italy. But there were so many meaningful elements that made the Congress such a joy including the early morning worship, the strong sermons, the uplifting music and the new program that reached out to the community on Impact Day and also with the Book Crossing.

The “Shabbat” started Friday evening with a moving baptismal ceremony. Twelve youth decided to give a personal testimony of their decision to become disciples of Jesus. More than 200 other youth decided to become His disciples following the call of pastor Viktor, the Norwegian youth leader!

The Sabbath morning worship program was a typical congress-program with songs, prayers, messages focused on the general motto of the congress: The Power of One. To be sure, several youth shared how powerful Jesus is in their life!
Gilbert Cangy, the world wide Adventist youth leader, focused his message inviting youth to recognize that they are not alone, Jesus is beside them as it was with a list of cha

racters in the Bible. “Youth, you have to experience the power of Jesus in your life” urged Cangy.

In the morning program, Stephan Sigg and Paul Tompkins, respectively Inter-European and Trans-European Region youth leaders, presented a video message from Ted Wilson, World Adventist President, celebrating the 150th year of the Adventist church. “Our church is turning 150 and is involved in several fields since its beginning,” said Sigg, “one of this is the Religious liberty promotion, we want to pray for Adventists members that are in prison under false accusation.” Paul Tompkins prayed for Antonio Monteiro and Sajjad Masih, in prison for more than 18 months without reason in they countries!

An interesting initiative was lunched Sabbath afternoon. All youth were invited to distribute 2000 books in

different parts of Novi Sad. The people that received the book were invited to sign up onto a special web page, read the book and then pass it on to another person. This project is called the Book Crossing. If you would like to know more, go to www.bookcrossing.com.

Finally, a festival atmosphere mingled with sadness for the end of the congress, introduced the closing evening program.
Youth have been challenged for the last message of this event by Cangy to fix their eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone, our only Savior, Who is surely coming to take us home. The songs gave their wonderful support to the message, as well as all other performances presented on stage.

The youth leaders asked the youth to show a personal commitment to Jesus by waving a light stick creating a particularly moving atmosphere. Excitement grew after the announcement of the next Pan-European Adventist Congress that will be held in Spain August 2017.
"I loved Youth Congress” said Paul Tompkins, “it was such a blessing on many levels. We were due to have a Congress in Novi Sad back in 1992 but it could not take place then - so it is inspiring to be able to help realize this dream 20 years later.”

“We believe God has blessed this event” continued Tompkins, “and that the Power of One will live on in the lives of those present. Especially the theme song, will be sung over and over back home in many countries. Precious Memories."
“Everyone has left Novi Sad with many impressions and experiences” said Stephan Sigg. “We believe that our theme The Power of ONE has become a reality at the Pan-European Congress.”

“If the Holy Spirit could use this congress to touch the hearts of young people and move them closer to Jesus” continued Sigg, “then all

efforts were worth it.” A mother called the Serbian youth leader to tell him that “their two sons have distanced themselves from the church but now came home excited and with a new commitment to be part of God's Adventist movement” reported Sigg confirming these precious fruits the Congress produced. We will hear of other experiences like this.

There was also a very positive article about the AYC (Adventist Youth Congress) in the Vojvodina Newspaper (Novi Sad is the capital city of this Serbian province). The article is 100% positive. The Impact Day (a community service programm) actually made an impact indeed. “This is certainly a new element of the AYC we have to continue” declared Sigg.

The heat wave was the only negative in this congress, challenging the resistance of the youth, but they were always present at every meeting despite the unbearable temperature. The program was so appealing, the messages were so direct and inspiring, the music was so appealing and involving, that it was impossible to choose an alternative program. Youth were there all the time! The organizers worked so hard to offer a quality program and the youth acknowledged it with their constant presence. “When I attend a program like this, testing such a spiritual atmosphere, I’m proud to belong to the Adventist church” declared Matthew Gamble, pastor in St Helena Adventist Hospital, California, one of the special guests of the congress.

There were about 3000 youth attending this Pan European Adventist, coming from 42 countries. Sabbath morning there were about 1000 presence more, coming mainly from the Serbian Adventist Churches. In Serbia there are about 8000 members, attending 177 Churches.

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