Report of the Inter-European Division (EUD) presented at the GC Session

The Report has been introduced by the EUD President, pastor Mario Brito.

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At the 61st session of the General Conference, the Inter-European Division was able to present its report. It did so through its President, Pastor Mario Brito, accompanied by its Secretary, Barna Magyarosi, and Treasurer, Norbert Zens.

Here is the introduction by President Brito:

"We bring the Greetings from the Inter-European Division to the delegates to this Session and all the members and friends of our Church, worldwide, who follow us through the media.

Europe is a region known for its secular thinking and practices, where faith and religion are issues belonging to the individual’s private life. Where a great number of people don’t believe In God and the majority of those who believe don’t practice or attend church regularly.

In spite the challenges and difficulties we face, we are engaged in mission, taking advantage of the opportunities that we have to make the light of Christ shine through us.

Our Report is a tribute to life. To the life of those who know Jesus and dare to accept and follow Him. To the life of those who heard the suffering of others and decided to put themselves at their service. To life as it is, true and pure, in Jesus.

Let us continue, all together, to Go - in Jesus, for Jesus, with Jesus.

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