Romania: Adventist Seminar gets institutional accreditation

Accreditation: The Romanian Adventist Theological Institute has been institutionally accredited and has obtained re-accreditation for the programs of Pastoral Theology and Social Assistance.

M. Monteanu, CD EUD NEWS


The Adventist Theological Institute from Romania started, in the summer of 2014, the institutional accreditation process, after fulfilling the legal requirements aiming at having a minimum of three accredited specializations (Pastoral Theology, Social Assistance and Primary and Preschool Pedagogy)

After going through the entire process of institutional evaluation, including the commission of evaluation visit of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), composed of 10 members (professors from various universities in the country, students and a foreign expert evaluators), the ARACIS board decided in its meeting on 04.30.2015 to grant accreditation to the Adventist Theological Institute with the Trust rating. This qualification means accreditation for five years, the maximum period allowed by the ARACIS regulations. The same result was obtained by the two study programs reviewed on this occasion (after five years of the previous evaluation): Pastoral Theology and Social Assistance. We mention that the study program Primary and Preschool Pedagogy was accredited by ARACIS with the same rating in December 2013.

It is an item of news that directs our thoughts of praise and thanksgiving to God but also brings attention to those who have worked for this goal to be accomplished. For those who have labored now, but also for those who have supported this issue in recent years, there are many thoughts of gratitude and appreciation.

"For ITA, the accreditation visit of ARACIS involves three aspects in time:

- past – the work of generations of teachers, students and administrative staff achieve a high level of recognition. It is actually the reward of their endeavor.

- present – the visit of ARACIS certifies the undeniable reality, proven by grid requirements, the human and academic values that characterize the life and work of ITA;

- future – the visit of ARACIS was a great support in discovering or clarifying our institutional goals on short and medium terms.

Personally, I am happy for this success in the first attempt and I am grateful to those colleagues who have toiled for months to prepare the dossier for institutional accreditation. I want to underline the uniqueness of this experience highlighted for ITA - besides institutional accreditation, in parallel, two of our degree programs (Social Work and Pastoral Theology) were subject to regular assessment.

More than anything, God is worthy of all our good words, and the Adventist Church in Romania receives a confirmation that investments along history have been valued and rewarded" said Pastor Marius Munteanu, president of the Adventist Theological Institute and of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Romania.

The event coincides with the organization of the Adventist Theological Institute Days, held from 8 until Sunday, May 10, 2015.

"It is a joy for us all, but especially of profound gratitude to God who has cared for the Institute over time and led us to this nice result. My thanks also go to all those who have put a lot of heart and prayer for obtaining accreditation - teachers, students, administrative staff, representatives of institutions of the Church, who attended the meeting of employers with the members of the evaluation committee, graduates who responded to our appeal to participate in the meeting with the members of ARACIS, who had words of appreciation about the time spent in the Institute. I am grateful to all of them for their effort and goodwill and also because, together, we transmitted the image of a unified, beautiful church with values and high ideals to the ARACIS committee" said Associated Professor, Dr. Roxana Paraschiv, Dean of the Adventist Theological Institute.

Luiz Schulz, associate director of the Education Department of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, sent a congratulation message to the Adventist Theological Institute of which we quote: ”Praise the Lord for the excellent good news! Congratulations to all of you for the government full institutional accreditation of the Adventist Theological Institute Cernica! Such a wonderful good news, without any doubt, is the result of your long years of hard work and professionalism of each one of you in constant pursuit of excellence in your educational service to God, the church and the community.

We join you in expressions of thanksgiving to God for such an excellent milestone in the history of the Adventist Theological Institute Cernica!

On behalf of the Department of Education of the General Conference, I want to specially thank each one of you for your wonderful ministry in favor of Adventist education. Today, we specially praise our Lord for what ATIC Christian education has done through the years, and because its educational work has stood as a firm pillar of the three angels’ ministry in Romania.

May the Lord continue to poor upon the institution, and all the members of the educational community of ATIC, his richest blessings as you continue to fulfill your mission, working each day to groom the image of God in our students and in the communities in which you serve. May the lamp of Christian education light every dark valley, every dim village, every seeking heart in Romania — and in the rest of the world.”

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