Seventh-day Adventists: Pledge to Pray4Togo on December 1

Bern, November 29, 2012. [CD-EUD/ANN]. On December 1, join the Seventh-day Adventist world church in a day of prayer and fasting for two Adventists imprisoned in Togo. Pastor Antonio Monteiro and church member Bruno Amah have been falsely detained for eig



Bern, November 29, 2012. [CD-EUD/ANN]. On December 1, join the Seventh-day Adventist world church in a day of prayer and fasting for two Adventists imprisoned in Togo. Pastor Antonio Monteiro and church member Bruno Amah have been falsely detained for eight months. Even though there is no evidence of guilt, the men have been held without hope of bail or a trial. This December 1, Adventists around the world are gathering for a day of prayer and fasting for the safety of the men and their families and a speedy release from prison.

Signe the petition: pledge-to-pray4togo-on-december-1

Religious Liberty Adventists believe that religious liberty is a God-given universal human right, and they work to make the free expression and practice of religion a universal reality. Adventist religious liberty advocates are active in promoting and protecting religious freedom through the church’s department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty. They represent the church’s priorities to national leaders and policy-makers worldwide.

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